"Oceangraphic" or "Oceangraphy" will have a moderate probability of being misspelled. Omitting the "o" before "graphy" is very common in many "ography" words. Pronouncing the word without the "o" is difficult, but spelling the word without the "o" is easy!
Wendee Eyler
Thanks, Wendee, for adding both the incorrect spelled word(s) and for showing what the correct spelling is. Most of the time I know what the problem is, but there are sometimes typos that aren't so obvious at first glance. It saves so much time to have the proper spelling right there in front of us, along with the typo.
That's been my pet peeve, so I appreciate how you are formatting your posts! Bravo, and keep up the great service!
Thank you! I'm a terrible speller myself. I can usually tell when a word is misspelled, but often don't know the correct spelling!
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