Hey there, feeling a little
peckish? How about some nice fruit
pectin? What's your produce pleasure? I myself have a soft spot for
Satsuma oranges, Granny Smith apples, apricots (which, when dried, for some reason, as a child I called "Yowies"), raspberries, and kiwis, to name just a few, but there are so
many good ones. (Speaking of soft spots, if you decide to try a
persimmon, make sure you wait until it's
ripe to the point of seeming rotten—a process wonderfully known as
"bletting"—otherwise, you will feel less like you just bit into a delicious fruit and more like you just came from the dentist!) To put your own favorites into
perspective, I recommend this delectable
New Yorker article about "Fruit Detective" David Karp, who clearly eats more pectin
per capita than most and, like any good gumshoe, can home in on his
perp. According to Wikipedia: "Apples, guavas, quince, plums, gooseberries, oranges and other citrus fruits, contain large amounts of pectin, while soft fruits like cherries, grapes and strawberries contain small amounts of pectin." According to the picture on the right, you can have your
pick of pectin (you might even pick a
peck of pectin) should you ever find yourself at this glorious fruit stall in Barcelona. We picked up on 69 cases of today's typo in the OhioLINK database, and well over a thousand in WorldCat.
(Photo by Daderot, 5 Apr 2005, from Wikimedia Commons.)Carol Reid