Exerpt* is sort of an
excerpt of the word
excerpt, if you get my meaning. An excerpt is a part extracted from the whole. And, speaking of parts and wholes, this might be as good a time as any for me to get on my high horse and inveigh against the ubiquitous misuse of the word
comprise, which means "consist of." Given that definition, you see, there can really be no sensible meaning to the all-too-common usage "comprised of" since that would have to mean "consisted of
of." Here's how to
remember this: the whole
comprises the parts; the parts
compose the whole. Okay, so back to
Exerpt*, which is really more of a misspelling than a typo. The word
excerpt comes from the Latin
excerptus, past participle of
excerpere, from
ex- +
carpere, meaning to gather or pluck. Its first known use is from the 15th century. It's such a common misspelling these days that a Google search on "exerpt*" returns 1,640,000 hits, or more than one misspelled search term for every hundred spelled correctly. There were 75 examples of this typo in OhioLINK and too many to count in WorldCat.
(An excerpt from The Tempest on the Berkeley Poetry Walk in Berkeley, California, from Wikimedia Commons.)
Carol Reid
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