Friday, February 5, 2010

Deposti* (for Deposit*)

I wouldn't exactly call it a deep thought, but the Post-it Note is a rather nifty idea. Post-it Notes are practical and even sort of pretty, whether in the classic pale yellow or the more vibrant saturated hues they currently come in. Almost like a Christo exhibit writ small. Speaking of Christo, whose work often involves wrapping large objects, he once sent a package to the artist Ray Johnson, who was himself known for creating postal art. When Johnson unwrapped it, he found a photograph of the package and a note saying that, since the artwork had now been destroyed, he could keep the picture as a memento. (Christo's wife, Jeanne-Claude, coincidentally born on the same day as her husband, passed away in November 2009.) Artists and pranksters alike have employed Post-it Notes in their assorted endeavors, completely covering cars with them and depositing them throughout entire rooms. In 2000, a group of artists celebrated the note's 20th anniversary and Post-its have also been featured in various cultural venues, including the Museum of Modern Art. They're widely used in film storyboarding as well, and have a virtual analogue for computers. Deposti* turns up 27 times in OhioLINK, but if you're too busy right now, you can write this typo on a Post-it Note to remind you to check for it later in the day. (Of course, you should refrain from sticking them on library books.)

(Art Fry, inventor of the Post-it Note, with one on his forehead bearing a picture of a lightbulb, from Wikimedia Commons.)

Carol Reid

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