It was a wild and crazy time for typos last week, most notably those from the Mitt Romney camp. Like spelling bee bloopers, typos can often be surprisingly ironic. Romney seemed to have had some problems with the words
America ("Amercia"),
official ("offical"), and
Reagan ("Regan"), prompting at least one skeptic to consider the possibility that he was
doing it all on purpose. After all, bad press is often better than no press, with the usual caveat: "As long as they spell your name right." Speaking of which, I thought Bill Maher hit just the right note with his
Real Time gibe the other night: "I think we're going to find out that Mitt is actually dyslexic and his name is really
Tim." But back to the issue at hand, so to speak—we all make typos once in a while. Even
Barack Obama, who once spelled
Libya "Lybia" and
Syracuse "Sycacuse." According to Slate, in his 1995 memoir,
Dreams from My Father, Obama "misspelled rebel slave Denmark Vesey’s last name as 'Vescey' and misspelled anti-colonist Frantz Fanon's first name as 'Franz.'" We've already blogged here about
Amercia and
Offical, so it looks like we're stuck with
Regan today (and Romney for six more months, at least).
Regan + Reagan occurs 29 times in OhioLINK and 338 times in WorldCat.
(Paper bag Mitt Romney caricature, from Wikimedia Commons.)
Carol Reid
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