Typos can frequently be quite funny, but it's rare that I come away beaming ecstatically at the mere sight of them. Today, on the way into work, I stopped to look at some of the local children's art on display in honor of Black History Month. The older these students are, I've found, the more predictable their offerings (often just "I Have a Dream" scribbled in the word balloon of a black guy), but the younger ones can be really sweet and inventive. The entry I saw today spelled it out as follows: "I can show peace by cleaning the earth. by helping my baby cosines to sleep. by helping my naber to cary his sootcase. by helping my frends recicle." (At first, I read that last word as
reconcile, but on second thought, it's got to be
recycle.) I didn't have time to copy the whole thing down, misspellings and all, but as I glanced up, my eye was caught by a nearby advertisement that read: "Transcription with a smile!" Still grinning, I vowed to stop by later to transcribe the label written by today's color-blind little helper. We found five cases of
Transcib* (for
transcribe, etc.) and 42 of
Transcip* (for
transcript, etc.) in OhioLINK, plus 292 and 1,098 in WorldCat. Help clean up your own database by checking for today's typos and ensuring that all original language is properly
(African American boy, sitting on debris in the wake of the 1900 hurricane, Galveston, Texas, from Wikimedia Commons.)Carol Reid
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