There were 17 cases of today's compound typo in OhioLINK, only a handful of which turned out to be false hits, i.e., two different people with two different spellings of their names—something that actually may not be all that unusual, given that I just heard another instance of it mentioned on TV, completely unrelated to today's topic! Anyway, not to keep you hanging on (like this iconic
image of actor/acrobat
Harold Lloyd suspended from a large clock in 1923's
Safety Last), but here is my proposal, should you choose to accept it, and I certainly hope you do. Find out which
Lloyd* or
Loyd* you've got hanging around—and then give him L (or two L's as the case may be).
(Harold Lloyd and his future wife, actress Mildred Davis, in I Do, made in 1921, from Wikimedia Commons.)Carol Reid
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