Monday, August 27, 2007

August 27, 2007 - Requirm*

There are earthworms in the garden, and gummy worms in the tummy, and Richard Scarry's "Lowly Worm" in his snazzy red apple car, but when it comes to our favorite form of fun, nothing beats the requisite bookworm. I still have my orange wooden bookworm pin from the library's recreational reading club I belonged to as a kid. A "bookworm," you should know, is not only a voracious reader, but a voracious eater as well, wreaking havoc in the stacks if left unchecked. Much the same may be said of the "high probability" typo Requirm* and the numerous related pests that have wormed their way onto the Ballard list: Requr*, Requiremens*, Requiremet*, Requiremn*, and Requierm*. (Bookworm pic comes from Blog at

Carol Reid

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