It seems like America's sign makers may be just too cool for
school these days. Or maybe it's just that they've been drinking on the job, which is sort of what it sounds like when you try and pronounce this typo out loud. In any event, the
latest example is from Stanton Street in New York City, which, after a year and a half of being ignored, was finally corrected yesterday. (Apparently, there are plenty of typos to go around in this case: the "word" X-ING was missing an I;
The Post article misspelled
Stanton as "Station"; and the Dept. of Education reportedly had the nearby
Delancey Street spelled "Delancy" in its database.) The quite similar looking picture here comes from Guilford, North Carolina, and I referenced yet another one, from Kalamazoo, Michigan, in a
blog entry I posted in 2009. I suspect there may be more of these topographical typos lurking out there as we speak, confusing and/or amusing
school children throughout the land. There were 51 examples of today's typo in OhioLINK and 633 in WorldCat.
(Misspelled sign in Guilford, North Carolina, from The Telegraph website.)Carol Reid
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