Thursday, November 5, 2009

Carbohydretes, Carbohyr* (for Carbohydrate, etc.)

Last week, humorist and playwright Paul Rudnick became the envy of carbohydrate junkies everywhere—or at least of those who caught the New York Times article about his new book. In I Shudder, the author “reveals a horrible truth no parent wants published: It is possible, it seems, to live on candy.” In words guaranteed to provoke jealousy, NYT writer David Colman continues:

Mr. Rudnick is the living proof. At 51, 5-foot-10 and an enviably lean 150 pounds, Mr. Rudnick does not square with the inevitable mental image of a man who has barely touched a vegetable other than candy corn in nearly a half-century. Apparently, one can not only live on a dessert island, but can also do it happily and long.

Colman then goes on to describe “a recent, typical day” for Rudnick: “a plain bagel, a three-pack of Yodels, a small can of dry-roasted peanuts, some Hershey’s Kisses, and some breakfast cereal, which he eats by the handful, dry, out of the box.”

Fortunately, library catalogs don’t appear to indulge in carbohydrate errors. Carbohyr* is a lowest-probability typo on the Ballard list with only one entry in the OhioLink database, and the related low-probability form Carbohydretes occurs twice.

(Candy corn, from Wikimedia Commons)

Deb Kulczak


blogger said...

congratulation on making it to the blog of note

Anonymous said...

Fun, unique read! Congratulations on being named Blogger's Blog of Note.

José Luis Avila Herrera said...

CONGRATULATIONS on being Blog of Note.

Google loves you!

Cheers and best regards from Canada

Jose Luis
-My photoblog

Unknown said...

Wow ... some people have all the luck ;)

zellakate said...

Hello! I am Zella Kate. I saw your blog listed on the Blogs of Note list and couldn't resist checking this site out. I work at a library, and I am a spelling geek; therefore, I think your blog is awesome and hilarious!

Keep up the excellent work! :)

Helen said...

haha yikes can't be healthy though.

FootballGeek said...

Wow, great idea for a blog! Funny article...

Ravinder Chowhan said...

i saw the same kind of info in did you copied from it or he did from you?

EZbites said...

love it..a must to follow..

Anonymous said...

While frankly thats incredibly disgusting, it's actually very interesting. I never would have thought that would be possible.

Captain Crab said...

I guess the question is is it possible to live without candy?

Nicholas Garcia (Nick) said...

I'm sitting here in front of the computer reading your post. Right next to me on the desk is a open bag of Indian corn candy,that I have been unconsciously nibbling. As I read on it dawns on me, I resemble that person. Well, almost to a tee.

I prefer chocolate covered donut gems. I suppose in a pinch I substitute, as long as there is chocolate. I always eat cereal out of the box dry. I prefer Reeces cereal. And finally IO wash it all down with a can of Dr. Pepper..

I have to LOL I thought I was the only human on the planet with strange eating habits. nikgee

Gio Ve said...

Nice site indeed!
Best wishes from an Estonian living in Italy

Kebohongan Galih Kusuma said...

nice info..

Rosemary said...

Wow, thank you for that information.

M.P. Skelletree said...

I like "carbs" but cabohydretes sounds soooo wrong! Haha! Cheers :o)

Andrew said...

"Carbohydretes" sounds like a disease that wants immediate treatment. I had to laugh!

Gina said...

Dear Deb,

I'm going to forward the Candy Corn article to my 14 year old daughter. She will LOVE reading it.

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I'd like to invite you to make a comment on, and link back to your website -- which as you know will help promote SEO for your blog.

Thanks for your time. I look forward to reading your comments on

Gina Greer